Agency introduction_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

The United Nations International Cooperation Bureau is a non-governmental organization and the United Nations Economic and Social Council under the United States, the state government of New York, New York court, Chinese Consulate General in New York certification.

According to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the universally recognized principles of humanitarianism, the United Nations International Cooperation and Coordination Bureau coordinates all kinds of disaster affairs in a cooperative manner.

In today's world of global political and economic integration, the coordination of natural disaster rescue and human conflict will provide emergency rescue services and international and domestic security services for governments, enterprises, social organizations and civilians around the world.

Statute of the United Nations International Cooperation and Coordination Bureau

Chapter I General rules

First, the United Nations International Coordination Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "Coordination Bureau") follows the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the universally recognized humanitarian principles, and coordinates all kinds of disaster matters in a cooperative manner. In today's world of global economic integration, we are committed to coordinating natural disasters and man-made conflicts, providing emergency rescue services, international and domestic security, international exchanges, and international cooperation for governments, enterprises, social organizations and people all over the world.

The second Coordinating Bureau is actively cooperating with the guidance of the relevant departments of the governments of various countries.

The third members of the Coordinating Bureau are equal and mutually beneficial within the Coordinating Bureau, and cooperate with each other to develop together.

The fourth Coordinating Bureau is headquartered in New York, and the Chinese Bureau is located in Beijing.

Second chapter business scope

The fifth bureaus study the trends in the development of security and emergency rescue in various countries and provide the government with countermeasures and suggestions.

1., track the development of security and rescue in the world, understand the dynamics of security and emergency rescue technology and equipment, and provide information consulting services for governments around the world to make decisions for security and emergency rescue.

2. study the relevant policies of security and emergency rescue in the world, and put forward the development proposals in combination with the actual situation of various countries.

3. ways of cooperation and Coordination Bureau, to carry out the application research for the security and emergency rescue things, coordinated and cooperative relations between enterprises, the integration of the Coordinating Bureau of enterprise resources, improve the overall strength of the world security and emergency rescue, reduce the harm of various disasters to human.

The sixth set up the exchange platform.

1. build a communication platform for the Coordination Bureau, organize various seminars and academic exchanges, and promote communication and integration of political, production, learning and research.

2. and the world organization to establish a long-term relationship, to carry out exchanges and cooperation in the world of high-tech products, with seminars and exhibitions to promote scientific and technological progress, and actively promote the Coordination Bureau of matching and improve the support and encouragement of high-tech products in the world manufacturing research and development.

The seventh will promote the opening of the market.

1. plan the market propaganda and organize the exhibition activities of all kinds of products.

2., we will introduce the global quality service companies through organizing exhibition activities and media publicity, publicize the high-tech products of the world, and improve the efficiency of global security and emergency rescue.

The eighth set up a platform for investment and financing in the industry. We should contact the government authorities in organizing and coordinating the business of the enterprises and the financial industry to treat the work, dredge the capital channels of the industry, and promote mutual support so as to maintain sustainable development.

The ninth maintenance of the Coordination Bureau continued.

1. plan and cooperate with the relevant departments of the global industry standards, production standards, and so on, to promote the implementation of the industry standards and standards.

2., we should strengthen the coordination and integrity of the members of the Coordinating Bureau, urge and supervise members to abide by the law and discipline, to operate in good faith, to compete fairly, to unite and cooperate, to strengthen industry self-discipline, to jointly plan the market order, and create a fair environment for competition and harmonious development.

Tenth to carry out consultation and training services

1., organize relevant experts and scholars to discuss and discuss the major issues related to the development of security and emergency rescue, and give suggestions and suggestions to provide industry development suggestions and advisory services for all sectors of government's decision-making departments or enterprises in need.

2., actively carry out information consultation, personnel training, disaster prevention and mitigation, scientific and technological propaganda, etc., organize technical seminars and professional skills training, train and develop all kinds of people in urgent need.

3. of the Coordinating Bureau of the organization members to provide security and emergency rescue knowledge training, to provide members of their own, self-help, mutual aid knowledge, to members of the unit mainly oriented society, gradually provide quality and technical ability of emergency rescue personnel of the whole society.

The eleventh provides information services.

1., the website of the Coordination Bureau should be built to make it an information exchange platform for members of the Coordinating Bureau, an industrial development platform, publicity and coordination of information exchange, and expand the external influence of the Coordinating Bureau.

2., collect and compile the developments and information of security and emergency rescue in the world, compile relevant market information and technical data, and provide efficient service for coordinating members.

Third chapter members

Twelfth enterprises and related institutions that have independent legal qualifications, are engaged in, or are ready to engage in R & D, manufacturing and services of security and emergency rescue industry, admit that they can apply to the Coordination Bureau. After approval, it becomes a formal member of the Coordinating Bureau, enjoying the rights of members and bearing members' obligations.

Thirteenth whoever has a good reputation in the community to comply with laws and regulations, sound management and care about security and emergency rescue, disaster relief and development of public welfare undertakings, products by domestic and international recognition, according to the enterprise and individual contributions, the application and approval to become the main leaders and members of the coordinating bureau.

The fourth chapter should go through the formalities of the Coordinating Bureau.

The fourteenth is nominated by the organization members of the Coordinating Bureau.

The fifteenth article is submitted to the Coordinating Bureau.

1. join the application of the Coordinating Bureau.

2. the certificate of qualification of the applicant and the copy of the legal person's identity card.

3. the development plan for security and emergency rescue of the applicant and the work carried out.

4. the applicant should pay the dues to the Coordinating Bureau on a different scale each year.

The sixteenth Coordinating Bureau will examine the application to become a member, carry out the actual investigation and demonstration to the production enterprise and submit the opinion to the General Administration Conference for consideration. After the discussion of the General Administration, the resolution is made, the results and opinions of the review are submitted to the General Administration for record, and the information is published for the members after approval.

The following formalities should be handled by the seventeenth members of the Coordinating Bureau.

1. to submit a written withdrawal statement to the Organization Department of the Coordinating Bureau, and the organization department shall handle the relevant exit formalities and report to the Bureau in accordance with the relevant provisions of the articles of association.

2. the thirty working days from the self submission statement were withdrawn from the Coordinating Bureau. After the withdrawal of the members, the fees paid voluntarily to the Coordinating Bureau were not refunded.

During the 3. year, the activities which did not participate in the organization of the Coordinating Bureau were considered and withdrawn automatically.

4., members violated the Coordination Bureau's statutes, making the actions that are not conducive to the Coordination Bureau. The Coordination Bureau will give written warning, and the member units will not give proper reasons for giving up the name, which is regarded as an automatic exit. The member shall bear the corresponding legal liability and liability for the conduct of the member.

The eighteenth members enjoy the following rights

The 1. term is two years.

2. free to participate in the Coordinating Bureau organized the world famous security and emergency rescue experts participated in the symposium, the International Council, conferences, special reports, technical exchanges and projects, strengthen the free to participate in exchanges and cooperation with other countries and leadership, successful people.

3. in the consent of the consent of the organizers, honorary available to the Organization Coordination Bureau participation by people from all walks of life skills and academic exchanges, as well as new product review seminars and other activities, and can give priority to undertake large-scale social activities, organizers and organizations have the priority of the naming rights.

4. can give priority to the consultation and information service provided by the magazine, and can jointly organize an enterprise supplement for the unit.

5. have the right to make amendments to the constitution of the Coordinating Bureau.

The obligations of the nineteenth members

1., members should abide by the rules of this chapter, maintain their good reputation, improve quality products and services, and cooperate with the bureau to carry out public security activities, emergency rescue and disaster relief activities.

The 2. members should pay attention to and promote the activities of security and emergency rescue, and make suggestions for the development of the Coordinating Bureau.

3., members should actively feedback to the Coordination Bureau on new problems and concerns of the general public in the aspects of security and emergency rescue marketing, so as to provide support and services for enhancing the credibility and value of the Coordination Bureau.

4. members shall pay the membership fee in time.

The fifth chapter daily management

Twentieth expenditures

1. member units can participate in various rescue and relief activities to provide daily service to member units.

2. to propagandize member units to provide periodicals of internal data.

3. day-to-day office

4., the Coordination Bureau establishes strict financial management system according to relevant laws and regulations all over the world, so as to ensure the legality, accuracy and integrity of accounting information and accept member supervision.

Twenty-first intellectual property rights

1. any member shall not participate in the Coordinating Bureau and express or implied or taken for granted the award or other members of the Coordinating Bureau of patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, any right or license or the member owned or controlled by other intellectual property, unless otherwise provided in this constitution.

2. without the written permission of any member shall not in any way to open the use of other member names, but any member can be disclosed in the disclosure and Coordination Bureau member, and Coordination Bureau membership can be publicly disclosed, unless the member in writing clearly requested the Coordinating Bureau of non disclosure and open in the membership of the coordinating bureau.

The twenty-second articles of association come into force after the adoption by the meeting of the United Nations International Cooperation and Coordination Bureau.

Twenty-third the official language of the bureau is the Chinese text, which is translated into other languages and is still in Chinese.

The final interpretation of the twenty-fourth articles of association is the Coordinating Bureau.