National occupational standards for security guards_Legal service_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

National occupational standards for security guards
2016-5-28   Source:    Click:17

1. career profile

1.1 career name

Security staff。

1.2 career definition

People who are legally engaged in safety management and safety services.

1.3 career level

The occupation is divided into five grades, respectively: primary security guards (national occupation qualification level five), intermediate (national security personnel occupation qualification level Four), senior security officer (national occupation qualification level three), the security division (national occupation qualification level two), senior security division (national vocational qualification level).

1.4 occupational environment

Indoor and outdoor. Normal atmospheric temperature。 Nontoxic, non corrosive, and other normal conditions.

1.5 characteristics of professional competence

The physical and mental health is equipped with the standard of height and physical fitness required by the corresponding position. It has certain observation, understanding, expression, judgement, contingency, self-defense, self-control, communication and command.

The ability to coordinate and study independently.

1.6 basic cultural level

Junior high school.

1.7 training requirements

1.7.1 training period

The professional security training institutions established in accordance with the law are determined according to their training objectives and teaching plans. The training period is: no less than 200 standard hours in primary security guards, 150 in the standard class hours, no less than 200 standard hours in senior security guards, no less than 250 standard hours in security guards, and no less than 150 standard hours in senior security guards.

1.7.2 training teachers

The training of security guards, security guards, security guards, intermediate senior teachers should have security division and above occupation qualification certificate or public security, law and other related professional intermediate and above (including intermediate) professional and technical qualifications; senior security training division, teachers should have the security of public security, law or related major (the deputy high above including deputy senior professional and technical qualifications).

1.7.3 training site equipment

It has the standard classroom and teaching equipment, training ground and training equipment and equipment to meet the needs of teaching.

1.8 identification requirements

1.8.1 applicable object

A person engaged in or prepared to engage in this profession.

1.8.2 declaration conditions

- one of the following conditions may declare the primary security guard:

(1) the professional security officers are trained to reach the standard number of hours and obtain a certificate of completion.

(2) continuously engaged in the work of this occupation for more than three months.

- one of the following conditions may declare an intermediate security officer:

(1) after obtaining the vocational qualification certificate of the primary security guard of this occupation, it has been engaged in this profession for more than 1 years.

(2) to obtain the certificate of secondary vocational graduation (Professional) of professional security training institutions established according to law.

(3) retired military personnel, unit guards and other relevant security professionals, political and legal colleges and universities or secondary school graduates, willing to engage in this occupation.

- one of the following conditions can be declared a senior security officer.

(1) after obtaining the vocational qualification certificate of the intermediate security officer of this occupation, it has been engaged in this career for more than 2 years.

(2) obtain the diploma of college graduation of security specialty established according to law.

(3) obtain college diploma and continue to work for more than 1 years.

(4) obtain the diploma of undergraduate degree.

- one of the following conditions can be declared a security officer.

(1) after obtaining the vocational qualification certificate of the senior security officer of this profession, he has been engaged in this career for more than 3 years.

(2) obtain college diploma and continue to work for more than 4 years.

(3) to obtain undergraduate diploma of University and continue to engage in this occupation for more than 3 years.

(4) to obtain a master's diploma and continue to work for more than 2 years.

- one of the following conditions can be declared a senior security guard:

(1) with a college degree, after obtaining the professional qualification certificate of the professional security teacher, he has been engaged in the job for more than 5 years.

(3) having a bachelor's degree and having obtained the professional qualification certificate of the professional security teacher, he has been engaged in the job for more than 4 years.

(4) having a master's degree or above, and having obtained the professional qualification certificate of the professional security teacher, engaged in the job for more than 3 years.

1.8.3 examination method

It is divided into theoretical knowledge examination and skill operation assessment. The examination of theoretical knowledge adopts the closed - volume method, and the assessment of skill operation adopts the actual operation of the field and the question and answer of the scene. The test of theoretical knowledge and the assessment of skill operation all carry out the percentage system, and those with more than 60 points are qualified. Security guards and senior security guards are required to conduct a comprehensive review.

The proportion of 1.8.4 examiners and examinees

The theory of knowledge evaluation and examination candidates ratio of 1:20, each of not less than 2 standard classroom appraisal; skills assessment to evaluation personnel and candidates ratio 1:3 ratio; the physical fitness test to evaluation personnel and candidates ratio 1:5 ratio; comprehensive evaluation of security division and Senior Security Division set up a special the review committee review, the review committee members not less than 5 people.

1.8.5 identification time

The examination time of theoretical knowledge is not less than 90 minutes; the skill operation assessment time is determined according to the actual operation project need; the comprehensive review time of security division and senior security division is no less than 30 minutes.

1.8.6 identification site equipment

The test of theoretical knowledge is carried out in the standard classroom, and the assessment of skill operation is carried out in the place where the skills can be met.

2. basic content and requirements

2.1 professional ethics

2.1.1 basic knowledge of professional ethics

2.1.2 code of profession

Love and work well, be loyal to your duties, abide by the law and abide by the law, be honest and courtesy, study business, improve skills, enhance physical fitness, enhance self-cultivation, and provide high quality safety services for customers.

2.1.3 work discipline

(1) security guards must be conscientious to our work, to protect the safety of customers.

(2) the security guards must abide by the laws and regulations of the state and assist the public security organs to maintain social security when necessary.

(3) the security guards should be civilized duty, polite, reasoning.

(4) the security guards should be honest, unselfish.

(5) the security guards to the rules and regulations to comply with the service units, service units strictly confidential business.

2.2 basic knowledge

2.2.1 basic theory knowledge

(1) the emergence and development of the security service industry

(2) the basic principles of security services

(3) the concept, nature, tasks and conditions and procedures of the security service organization

(4) activities prohibited by security service organizations and security officers

(5) basic quality and behavior standard of security personnel

(6) the responsibility and authority of the security personnel

2.2.2 basic business knowledge

(1) knowledge of security service

(2) technical knowledge of security

(3) fire safety knowledge

(4) field protection knowledge

(5) queue knowledge

(6) common sense of security and etiquette

(7) safety management knowledge

(8) security consulting knowledge

2.2.3 related laws and regulations

(1) basic legal knowledge: relevant knowledge in the constitution, criminal law, criminal procedure law and other laws in China.

(2) common sense of civil and Commercial Law: relevant knowledge in laws and regulations such as general principles of civil law, civil procedure law, contract law, company law and so on.

(3) administrative laws and regulations: related laws and regulations in China's public security management punishment regulations, fire law, traffic safety law, letters and visits regulations, public security regulations in enterprises and institutions, property management regulations and other related laws and regulations.

(4) departmental rules and local regulations: relevant regulations and local regulations formulated by the Ministry of public security and other relevant ministries and commissions.

(5) other relevant laws and regulations and department rules and regulations: other laws and regulations and regulations related to the security business.

2.3 professional skills

2.3.1 security prevention technical equipment operation skills

2.3.2 fire equipment operation skills

2.3.3 computer operation skills

2.3.4 defense skills

Fire fighting at the beginning of 2.3.5

Control and evacuation of 2.3.6 aggregated population

2.3.7 traffic guidance

2.3.8 skills in civil and commercial investigation

2.3.9 other related skills

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