Top bodyguard team_International and domestic security_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Top bodyguard team
2016-6-2   Source:    Click:14

The basic standard of the top security team Bodyguard:

Professional Wushu Sanda, comprehensive combat for more than six years or top Chinese special forces serve for more than 8 years (part of the central guard bureau retired personnel), the height is 188 centimeters above, the weight is 100-120 kilograms. Actual combat experience, psychological quality is extraordinary, overseas or domestic large security crisis management, fighting experience, single hand to hand combat with more than 8 people. The appearance of tall and strong body and rapid response. It can adapt to high - intensity work pressure and high risk environment to carry out protection tasks.

Employer's conditions: the top security service is more than one billion of the fixed assets of the individual, large enterprises, or more than 100 million yuan in economic disputes. A customer with a major threat to the safety of life and property. General customers and general security threats do not provide this top-level bodyguard service!

Service mode: the top safety service is the way of team execution. The top level protection of bodyguards is arranged by the company according to the actual situation of the employer. The minimum number of dispatched persons is 8.

Service content:

1, carry out the analysis of the safety protection plan according to the security threat level encountered by the employer and develop the execution procedure.

In 2, the employer does not affect the normal work and life under the condition of 24 hours a day to protect the personal safety of employers closely.

3, a surprise attack was first taken by the body to protect the Employer from any attack, and at the same time, the attacker fell down and evacuated to the safety zone in time.

4, the trip route is updated every day to prevent tracking, and to find that the tracking target must be quickly dropped.

5, the employer is reserved for no less than two people on duty at the door of the night.

6, through the professional equipment to the employer and family's diet to carry on the omni-directional safety inspection, in order to prevent being poisoned by others.

7, keep the professional protection team, to prevent employers from exposure in the distance sniper position.

8. At the same time, it is responsible for the safety of the employer's family and the delivery of children to school and school.

9, the location, through professional testing equipment, detects whether there is a remote control explosive device, and screens all suspicious wireless signals through professional equipment, so as to prevent candid and eavesdrop.

10, assist the employer in dealing with all business office talks and living.

The advantage of the top professional bodyguard team: in addition to illegal equipment, unified with the central guard bureau all equipped with safety protection level of national leaders; ready to cope with any unexpected risk security crisis, whether it is personal and collective effort fighting capabilities, professional level, professional literacy completely in accordance with the highest standards of leaders.

Scope of service: National Service

The number of top bodyguard teams: at least 8 people are one unit

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