Marine escort safety_International and domestic security_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Marine escort safety
2016-6-2   Source:    Click:58

International Maritime Escort:

In recent years, the sea pirates rampant global maritime security situation, the most prominent is the Gulf of Aden Somalia; in the second national merchant has been hijacked by pirates hijacked ships, often lack of superpowers, the United States, Britain, France China, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Russia, and other countries. After the government intervened, the delivery of the ransom was out of danger. Some of the weaker national strength, the pirates shot the hijacked crew on the spot. The pirates rampant, not only caused a serious security threat to the safety of life, the rapid development of the global economy is blocked, although occasionally sending warships to escort, but the pirates haunt and avoid army siege. From time to time, take the opportunity to hijack the fallen merchant ship. Longwei international bodyguard Co. Ltd. according to the present situation of global maritime safety, after careful study exercises, cultivate a team with international level merchant bodyguard team.

The basic standard of the bodyguard:

All the players are from Chinese bodyguards escort Navy top special forces retired Marine Corps outstanding soldiers. After the hard international bodyguard Limited comprehensive bodyguard skills training for offshore operations protection; has good physical quality, without the aid of any rescue equipment under the condition of fast walk ten kilometers in the deep sea, close combat marksmanship accurate, fighting ability, has a good battle experience.

Service object: China's major international ports, international shipping company Somali sea escort.

Service mode: the company selects special bodyguard players on the basis of the employer's request to carry out the safe escort to the target in the global designated location.

Service content:

1, 24 hours all day at any time notice the occurrence of all unsafe factors.

2, set up a voyage safety plan, so as to be able to enter the fighting posts at all times.

3, to protect the safety of the crew and the goods shipped.

4, the pirates covered the merchant ships to quickly evacuate the safe waters.

Scope of service: Global waters

The number of bodyguard dispatched: at least 6 people are one unit

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