Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese bodyguard service_International and domestic security_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese bodyguard service
2016-6-2   Source:    Click:77

To meet the security needs of the Hong Kong and Macao customers. The company has launched a professional bodyguard service to Hong Kong, Macao and Hong Kong (Hong Kong and Macao directly).

Service time: long term, short term and temporary.

Service mode: the company dispatched a qualified professional bodyguard or the customer to select a qualified bodyguard on its own.

Service content:

1, 24 hours of personal safety protection. Pay attention to defense and eliminate all security threats to help employers deal with daily chores.

2, deal with the general small events and strictly stop the language insults, defamation and framing of the lawmakers.

3. Protect the safety of the personal safety by protecting the safety of the employer at any time or emergency.

4, all the security and safety planning work on the mainland of the customer.

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