Promote understanding and friendship in communication_Cultural exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Promote understanding and friendship in communication
2016-5-28   Source:    Click:33

On 8-17 September 2015, the second "Sino US and European Youth elite exchange program" hosted by us was held in Beijing and Qinghai. 11 young representatives from China, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany participated in the whole. The project began in 2014, through discussion, field trips and cultural experience and other activities, to build an interactive platform for non-governmental exchanges in the United States and Europe young politicians, think tank scholars, the media elite and business leaders and other persons, enhance mutual understanding and promote pragmatic cooperation and promote long-term stable and healthy development of Sino EU relations. The project has been strongly supported by the China foundation for peace and development.

While in Beijing, I will be vice minister Liu Hongcai met with all the representatives, consultants. The delegates also attended the International Conference on reform, governance and cooperation "and" economic development Chinese: achievements, challenges and the way "," The Belt and Road 'initiative: opportunities and challenges "theme exchange activities; to inspect the Zhongguancun business street, I understand the" mass innovation, the entrepreneurial "visit the relevant circumstances; the Chaowai Street Community Service Center, a certain understanding of the non-governmental organizations to participate in community management, public welfare and voluntary service has been to the Shunyi campus of Beijing City University; teachers and students cultural sports activities, to observe and experience the Peking Opera, calligraphy and painting, clay sculpture and other traditional arts and culture I. The foreign representatives were also accompanied by volunteers in the group of ordinary residents in Shijingshan District and spent the weekend.

In Qinghai, Ma Shunqing, chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Provincial Committee and chairman of the Provincial Federation of trade unions, met with all the representatives. The delegates attended the "local advantage, to promote regional cooperation in Qinghai province to participate in the" The Belt and Road "for example" seminar, the understanding of the local "The Belt and Road" strategic positioning, planning and location advantages; visited the national sports training base of dopa, understanding with strong ethnic flavor and local characteristics of local international events; visited Qinghai Jason group, witnessed the development of private enterprises, my creativity and potential; visited Xining Dongguan mosque, the feeling of the local multi-ethnic, multi religious, multicultural coexistence, the situation between the nationalities and religious masses of harmonious coexistence and common development.

1. Exchanges and discussions enhance mutual understanding between the parties

Through a number of international seminars, thematic exchanges and briefings, delegates introduced the recent political, economic and social development of their respective countries, the opportunities and challenges they faced, and their views on bilateral relations and the international situation. The foreign representative of my "four comprehensive" and "The Belt and Road strategic layout of the strategic concept of" major national development strategies and ideas also have a more comprehensive and objective understanding. Italy province of Reggio Emilia Busanashi vice mayor Marco Costa said, "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy is an important measure of China is proposed in order to meet the needs of social development, it is through a multi-level, multi field and multi dimension specific project rich content to Asia, the Middle East and Europe are closely connected. This strategy helps to continuously promote international market convergence, reduce barriers to trade protection, enhance exchanges and cooperation between countries and regions along the way, and promote mutual understanding and recognition among civilizations and cultures, which will bring new opportunities for all countries. Some representatives suggested that should be fully aware of the large number of countries along, demand diversity, complex security situation such as risks and challenges and threats in efforts to actively promote the "The Belt and Road" and the strategy of prevention and seriously deal with the Islamic state such as terrorism and may lead to problems; increase the people along the country's propaganda, countries all over the world. People can be more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the strategy and principles, framework, focus of cooperation and cooperation mechanisms, promote mutual understanding, reduce the resistance, promote the smooth implementation of the strategy, to better benefit the people of all countries along.

Two. On the field survey to feel the potential of China's development

Many representatives are visiting China for the first time. It is said that this visit has witnessed the steady development of China's economy, the harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups and the people's live and work in peace and contentment. A more comprehensive and objective understanding of a real and fresh China is quite different from what China had learned before. Visits to the streets, communities, schools and enterprises, and I have in-depth exchanges with experts, scholars, party and government officials, teachers and students, entrepreneurs and other parties, and it is a lot of benefits. In Zhongguancun Venture Street, with representatives from the 3W, and a few words will be black coffee and other incubator service agencies responsible for the exchange, for our "mass innovation, entrepreneurship, the" emerging enterprises "Internet plus" business model innovation, functional blocks of one-stop service, at all levels of government support the Youth Innovation and entrepreneurship, and deepening the reform by the release of the vitality of the market have been keenly aware of. Daniel Foster, director general of the German Liberal Democratic Party of Bavaria, said that a short visit greatly enriched his cognition of China, and he had a great sense of winning the book for ten years. Block to enterprise oriented whole process, comprehensive and professional one-stop service to complete the formalities of enterprise registration within 2 days, and only by the existing shops introduced letter can obtain up to 500 thousand yuan of bank loans, so it is convenient and efficient service find everything fresh and new. It is believed that this fashionable and entrepreneurial Fashion District, which is full of innovation and business incubator, will produce great demonstration and radiation effects, and become the birthplace of Chinese science and technology enterprises and the cultural sanctuary of entrepreneurs.

Three, interactive experience draws closer to each other's mind distance

During the visit to China, cultural experience activities, interaction with teachers and volunteers in the universities, and home visits to Beijing citizens made the foreign delegates memorable. A representative said, wearing Hanfu, line ceremony, opera tours, read the "disciple gauge", to observe the scene painting masters and cultural experience activities, the river makes people feel like in China ancient history, can really feel the China has a long history, splendid culture, heritage and charm and heavy; and College Teachers and students play basketball skills, can Chinese from young people who feel the pulse of the times and the vitality. People into the family, and the hospitality of the owners together to make dumplings, playing the piano, singing, etc. the district Liuwan experience was more precious, not only feel Chinese friendly and sincere, to narrow the distance between each other, enhance mutual understanding and friendship, make people realize that, although China and Europe and other countries the social system, cultural background and development path is different, but all people yearning for a better love life, the pursuit of happiness, the desire is the same, everyone's heart is the same.

This year's "Sino US and European Youth elite exchange program" ended.  But it's exciting that the WeChat group of the project is still alive. On this platform, we said the recent situation, the sunshine, and the timely notification of the changes in their progress and new positions. We believe that with the continuous progress of the project, more and more young elite from China and the US will join in to build up a better understanding and friendship between Chinese and American people, and to pave the way for the development of relations between China and the US and Europe.

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