China and Russia join the WHO emergency medical team initiative_Cultural exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

China and Russia join the WHO emergency medical team initiative
2016-5-28   Source:    Click:57

The director general fields of May 24, 2016 Geneva - who issued a certificate to the Russian Chinese and emergency medical team, confirm its ability in the event of natural disasters and disease epidemic to provide mobile emergency field hospital and staff.

Dr. Chen Fengfuzhen said, "I thank the two countries for their participation in this process and congratulate them on achieving this respectable achievement."

An emergency medical team from China and two emergency medical teams from Russia have passed the World Health Organization's rigorous assessment procedures. Dr. Chen added: "this means that if the affected countries request help after disasters, we can quickly deploy the high standard medical team that is in line with the World Health Organization."

Today, Dr. Chen will meet with Dr. Igor Yakirevitch, the head of the Russian Federation emergency department's field hospital and Dr. Valery Shabanov, the head of the hospital of Zha Sita, and issue certificates to him. On Sunday (Sunday), Dr. Chen met with Dr. Liu Zhongmin, the chief captain of the China international emergency medical team (Shanghai), and issued a certificate to him.

China and Russia are the first countries to sign up for accreditation procedures. The emergency medical team are committed to prove their guiding principles for patients who care and in accordance with the "foreign emergency disaster (emergency) standards listed in the medical team classification and minimum standards".

Dr. Ian Norton, who led the work of the emergency medical team of the World Health Organization, said: "the accreditation process involves continuous months through peer guidance projects and who is in touch with the World Health Organization, with expert support."

More than twenty-five countries more than sixty emergency medical team is trying to meet the minimum standards of the world health organization. The figure is expected to rise to two hundred teams. The World Health Organization is working with governments and organizations to register medical teams from all over the world.

During emergencies, emergency medical teams play a key role in providing expanded support for the national health system by providing clinical care to people affected by disasters. By assessing and certifying the emergency medical teams, who can make the affected governments and their people believe that trained medical staff and self-sufficient teams will respond to disasters in a predictable way.

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