A visit to China by the joint mission of the Latin American non-governmental organizations_Cultural exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

A visit to China by the joint mission of the Latin American non-governmental organizations
2016-5-28   Source:    Click:52

Should China International Exchange Association invited Argentina, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, four politicians, think tanks, non-governmental organizations and representatives of the media in Peru before Congress vice president Gustavo Pacheco as the head of the composition of the joint delegation of 20 people on November 3-15, visited Beijing, Henan and Chongqing.

This study is based on the theme of "cognitive China". For the majority of members of the delegation is the first visit to China, to understand the various aspects of the current situation of the development of Chinese interested, I will arrange special presentation, communication and discussion, field trips and other rich and varied inspection content, received good results.

In Beijing, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, Ai Ping met with the association, has just concluded in the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, "13th Five-Year" planning and economic development of the "new normal" to pull the Party introduced, Secretary General Ni Jian on the future cooperation with the pull side to exchange views. The Deputy Secretary General of Zheng Yao made a special presentation on the situation of China's political, economic and social development and the relations and cooperation of Wang Jia, the director of the Exchange Association. The delegation also visited the Beijing Foreign Studies University, Portuguese and Spanish languages, on the tension relations with young teachers and students forum. While in Henan, Henan Province Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Deputy Director Li Zhen met with the delegation. The delegation inspected the new rural construction in Nan Jie village, visited Shuanghui group, Yutong group, E trade cross-border e-commerce area and other modern enterprises, and discussed the pragmatic cooperation between them. While in Chongqing, Chongqing outside the overseas Chinese Affairs Office assistant director Wang Guangcheng met with the delegation. The delegation visited Chongqing city planning exhibition hall, Liangjiang New Area Planning Exhibition Hall and Three Gorges Museum, to understand the current situation and future development plan of Chongqing's economic and social development. The investigation group inspected the urbanization construction in Dazu District, and talked with the people concerned about the local development of the new urbanization.

"The development of China is great."

The members of the delegation praised the great achievements of China's development and believed that the model and experience of China should be used for reference. Colonel Gustavo Pacheco said, Chinese said 30 years before the reform to solve some of the more "easy" problems, now reform into the deep water area, more difficult, but for the Latin American countries, in order to solve the problem of "easy" is also not easy, so he China to congratulate the achievements. The Latin American people's Solidarity Organization Secretary of Cuba long consultant Carmelina Rodriguez said, this is the greatest feeling Chinese "marvellous", amazing. Santiago Filiu, a senior journalist from "three continents magazine" of the Asian African solidarity people's Solidarity Organization, said that he had been looking forward to the visit to China. He also did some homework in advance. But after visiting, China has a big gap from China which is known by the media. It is hoped that China will continue to achieve new achievements and use its own successful practice to tell the world that socialism with Chinese characteristics is of great vitality. Yolanda Derafen, an expert in the center of Chinese ink research, Department of economics, University of Nacional Autonoma Mexico, said that China still called itself a modest saying for developing countries. Mexico is willing to further understand and study China's development mode and experience. David Pacheco Villar, a lawyer of Peru National Audit Office, said that most of the young generation in Peru knew only the development mode represented by the United States. After returning home, he would tell them that in addition to the US mode, there was another Chinese mode in the world. Peru sociologist Aldo Panfitch said that although China still faces many risks and challenges, no one can prevent the pace of China's progress.

"There is only a little sea water between Latin America and China."

The investigation group generally gave positive comments on the relationship between China and Latin America, and was full of expectations for the prospects for the cooperation between China and China. Colonel Pacheco said the deep semantic, "between Latin America and China just separated by a sea". Pacheco believes that Chinese has a long history and splendid culture of ancient civilizations, but also Latin American ancient civilizations have exerted great influence on the history of human development, both sides are similar, face common tasks and challenges, it is because there are many similarities, in recent years the rapid development of the relationship between the two sides, the importance and urgency of increasing cooperation rose. Rodrigues said that the ancient and Chinese countries have the same ideology, social system and traditional friendly relations, and we should further strengthen exchanges and cooperation at this stage. Afro Asian people's Solidarity Organization has many international member countries, and more than half come from Latin American countries. They are willing to make exchanges between the Exchange Association and Latin American countries. It is hoped that the association will not only invite the Latin American group to visit China, but also to send a mission to Latin America to see how the people of Latin America look at China. It is expected that the unity and association of the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America can play a greater role in promoting the exchanges and friendship between the people of the ancient and the middle countries.

Javier Taruria, Secretary General of Argentina contemporary foundation, said that the Sino Latin American relations have made great progress in recent years, with frequent visits from top leaders, and the bilateral relations are at the best level in history. Latin America regards China as an important partner. The development of relations between the two sides is facing unprecedented opportunities and there is still a lot of space for cooperation in all fields. After exchanging visits between President Christina and President Xi Jinping, the two countries' relations will be upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership. I believe that the bilateral relations will develop better in the future. Truriya believes that the two countries have strong economic complementarity, which is a favorable factor for the cooperation between the two countries. It is suggested that China should pay attention to the trade balance of the two countries and truly achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation, so that the cooperation of the two sides can develop healthfully. The "tower appreciation cognitive study Chinese" as the theme, is a good form of communication, through the visit to obtain a lot of information about all aspects of the China, rewarding, worthwhile. The tower indicates that the contemporary foundation is an old friend of the Chinese people and is willing to further deepen cooperation with the Exchange Association.

Obregon Ruiz, an economic policy adviser to the Mexico political and human foundation, said he hoped to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the Exchange Association. The political humanities foundation is a think-tank serving the Mexican Senate. It is very interested in China's economic policies and relevant laws and regulations and the experience of new urbanization in China, and hopes to enhance mutual communication. Mexico's most famous international academic exchange director think-tank and Economic Research Center Federico Curtis said, he visited many countries in Europe, but the most profound impression of China, after returning home will start learning Chinese, convenient to communicate with China later. We hope to actively promote the academic exchanges between his center and the Chinese Research Institute, and consider inviting Chinese scholars to the center to carry out the research work.

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