Yan Wei attended the 45th Anniversary reception of China's diplomatic relations with Malta_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Yan Wei attended the 45th Anniversary reception of China's diplomatic relations with Malta
2017-5-26   Source:    Click:15

The Chinese people's Association for foreign friendship and the Malta Embassy in China jointly hosted the 45th Anniversary Conference on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Malaysia in May 25th. Ma Biao, vice president of the CPPCC National Committee and ambassador Zhuo Jiaying of Malta to China, attended. Ms. Yan Wei, the ambassador of Greece, Slovakia and Philippines, and the deputy director of the United Nations International Coordination Bureau and the Minister of the press, were invited to attend.

The old leaders of the two countries of China and Malaysia have opened the diplomatic relations of China and Malaysia and opened a new page in the history of Sino Malaysian exchanges.

In 45 years, no matter how the international situation changes, the bilateral relations have maintained strong vitality, is one of the important reasons, the two countries based on mutual respect and understanding on the establishment of a strong political mutual trust, our two countries have carried out mutually beneficial cooperation to achieve common development, the people of our two countries in a republic sincerely forged a profound brotherhood.

In his address, his Excellency Zhuo Jiaying, Ambassador to Malta, I am very grateful to all of you. Thank you for your support for China, a small but beautiful and economically vibrant country like Malta. In terms of population structure, political structure and economic structure, the world and today's world are very different 45 years ago.

At that time, the concept of globalization was also proposed, and the so-called cold war was still in the world. At that time, there was a greater difference between different ethnic groups, different political ideologies, and different economic practices. Therefore, in the context of the time, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two different ethnic groups is not an easy thing. The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia is not only a great progress for the two countries, but also for the whole world. This is a feat for two countries. The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia not only reflected the mutual respect between the two countries at that time, but also laid the foundation for the development of friendly relations between the two countries in the future.

With the passing of time, mutual respect between the two countries has increased, and the friendly relations between the two governments have also been strengthened. Therefore, the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia is a good time to take a big step in the relationship between the two countries at the time of 45th anniversary. As ambassadors, I hope that the two peoples will enhance their understanding not only at the political and economic level, but also in the social, cultural, educational and sports level. It is hoped that the two countries should work together on the occasion of the establishment of diplomatic relations 45th anniversary and achieve this goal at an early date. It is not only to enhance friendly diplomatic relations between the two governments, but also to enhance mutual understanding between the two peoples, so that the two peoples are united and brotherly like brothers and sisters.

At the meeting, Mr. Hu, vice president of the Chinese people's Association for foreign friendship, said that the relations between the two countries have developed steadily in the past 45 years. The high-level exchanges between the two countries are frequent, political mutual trust is increasing, economic and trade cooperation is expanding, and exchanges and cooperation in culture, health, education, civil affairs and youth are increasing year by year. As the National People's organizations engaged in civil diplomacy, non-governmental friendly exchanges CPAFFC long-term commitment to work with Malta, and actively promote exchanges and cooperation between local governments in malaysia.

On the occasion of the establishment of diplomatic ties 45th anniversary, Chinese Philatelic Corporation issued a commemorative envelope, CPPCC Vice Chairman Ma Biao, Ambassador of Malta Zhuo Jiaying together for the "souvenir" opening, the two may in the future, and write a new chapter in bilateral relations.

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