Yan Wei, deputy director of the United Nations International Cooperation and Coordination Bureau and Minister of the Ministry of the press, participated in an interview with the nineteen Congress_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Yan Wei, deputy director of the United Nations International Cooperation and Coordination Bureau and Minister of the Ministry of the press, participated in an interview with the nineteen Congress
2017-10-18   Source:    Click:154

The evening of October 16th, China nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party News in the news center press Hall (Beijing media center) held a welcome reception for Chinese and foreign reporters came to interview the nineteen. Ms. Yan Wei, deputy director of the United Nations International Cooperation and Coordination Bureau and Minister of the Ministry of public information, and more than 500 Chinese and foreign journalists were invited to attend.

Huang Kunming, the chief of the nineteen major press groups, had a warm welcome to the nineteen major Chinese and foreign journalists. He said the nineteen major upcoming conventions were a very important conference in the crucial stage of building a moderately prosperous society in China and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The conference will welcome the Chinese and foreign media interviews, hold press conference and press conferences with a more open attitude, set up the "party representative passageway", provide convenient working and living conditions, and ensure the successful completion of the nineteen major reports by Chinese and foreign journalists.

Huang Kunming said he hoped that Chinese and foreign journalists could show nineteen great events to the world in a timely manner, and comprehensively and accurately disseminate the ruling concept and strategy of the Communist Party of China, and objectively and fairly reflect the historic changes and historic achievements that China has made.

Hu Xiaohan, director of the nineteen major news center, chaired the reception.

According to the data provided by the news center, the nineteen largest Chinese Communist Party has been widely concerned by the international and domestic media. The number of journalists increased by 6.7% compared with that of the eighteen largest. Foreign journalists from 134 countries and around the five continents of the world.

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