The conference of culture ministers of the BRIC countries: cultural exchanges become the norm_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

The conference of culture ministers of the BRIC countries: cultural exchanges become the norm
2017-9-4   Source:    Click:101

In the two days, the representatives of the second BRICs ministers of culture gathered in Tianjin to discuss cultural exchanges and cooperation and to jointly build and share business. The turn of the country lies in the people of the people, and the people are related to each other. During the conference, 4 Cultural alliances such as BRICs National Museum Union and Art Museum alliance were established. In fact, a long-term mechanism was established to make cultural exchanges between BRICs normal.

Brazil's minister of culture on behalf of the International Promotion Secretary Adam Jayme Muniz: "we witness the BRICs in the establishment of national culture of the four leagues, thank you very much China play leading role in this regard, signed a plan of action is an incentive for us, I believe that with landing action plan content, will be great to promote cultural cooperation between countries, mutual benefit."

China art museum curator Wu Weishan: "the establishment of the The National Gallery League, then the main exhibition is held each other exchange, each other each country of outstanding artists, also held a special academic forum, through exhibitions and academic forums, to promote the BRIC countries art depth exchanges."

The conference of the BRICs ministers of culture is an important ministerial meeting under the BRICs cooperation framework. Representatives of the participants agreed that the conference was fruitful and would actively promote cultural cooperation among all countries.

Russian culture minister Vladimir Medinskiy: "China and Russia are linked mountains and rivers good neighbors, good partners and good friends. The results of the conference symbolized another beneficial cultural handshake between the two countries of China and Russia. It will add a bright cultural color to the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia.

On behalf of the South African Minister of Arts and culture agency director general Gerald Vusithemba Ndima: "the meeting for our five countries provides a very good platform, can let us in all areas of culture are able to have a better chance of cooperation, Chinese has taken an important step, and led everyone together for common development. Culture, make more efforts and contribution." The culture of warm people's hearts, this year is the second BRICs cooperation ten years of the start of the year, signed at the conference of Ministers of culture and the "action plan" to reach a consensus in all fields, the BRIC countries will open all-round friendly exchanges and cultural exchanges, so that the BRIC cooperation results really benefit people's culture.

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