Yan Wei, vice director of the United Nations International Coordination Bureau and Minister of Journalism and President of Chinese and foreign news agency, attended the fourth World Internet Conference_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Yan Wei, vice director of the United Nations International Coordination Bureau and Minister of Journalism and President of Chinese and foreign news agency, attended the fourth World Internet Conference
2017-12-5   Source:    Click:93

Ms. Yan Wei, the deputy director of the United Nations International Coordination Bureau and the Minister of the press and President of the Chinese and foreign news agency attended the fourth World Internet Conference and reported on the scene.

A lot of "on the road" Internet: a new play in the new era

The fourth World Internet Conference "network communication and social responsibility forum" was held in Wuzhen in December 4th. Cai Mingzhao, President of the Xinhua news agency, attended the forum and delivered a speech. He stressed, should jointly assume the social responsibility of network communication, and jointly create a clear space network. Ms. Yan Wei, the deputy director of the United Nations International Coordination Bureau and the Minister of the press and President of the Chinese and foreign news agency, attended the forum and reported it on the spot.

Cai Mingzhao said, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping pointed out in the nineteen report to strengthen the construction of Internet content, establish a comprehensive management network system, create a cool and bright space network. This clarifies the concept of Internet development and governance in China, and also points out the social responsibility of network communication. We should be in mutual respect and mutual trust in? The Internet moved the character selection, attracting hundreds of millions of netizens to participate in the interactive voting. The deeds and spirit of the grassroots heroes became more and more popular because of the fact that they moved and inspired countless netizens. We hope to have more such activities, spread positive energy, promote good health, beauty, cultivate a positive positive social culture.

He said that the development of the Internet has become a new engine of economic development. In 2016, the total number of China's digital economy reached 22 trillion and 600 billion yuan, close to 1/3 of GDP, and this proportion will exceed 50% by 2030. On the one hand, the Internet has produced investment and consumption, on the other hand, it plays an important role in the exchange of information in the development of the real economy. We should make full use of the Internet incubator to better promote economic and social development.

"Today's network communication must put social responsibility in the first place, responsible for Internet users, young people and the next generation." Jack Ma, the chairman of the Alibaba board, delivered a speech on the Forum on network communication and social responsibility.

"I have been awe and awe of the press, and I like journalists to ask questions that they really want to ask." Jack Ma said that journalism is the dissemination of facts, ideas and opinions. In the increasingly developed Internet era, the media is becoming more and more important. The greater the hope given by society, the greater the responsibility.

The Internet has made it easier to spread information, but it also faces great challenges. Jack Ma said he was the victim of fake news, but "the future of false news will be getting less and less, and it's getting harder and harder." Artificial intelligence should be used in bad people first, because as long as there is logic, the machine will certainly do better than you. "

"Today's cyberspace needs more objective, rational and real voice and content, so Internet communication should use big data, cloud computing, AI technology to improve the accuracy of communication.

Jack Ma said that if the network communication is keen on emotional communication rather than rational thinking, keen on rumor rather than the fact that even keen on the navy to win the competition in the market, it is for the future practice of the next generation of very irresponsible. Therefore, today's network communication must put social responsibility in the first place, which is the responsibility of the media and the responsibility of the Internet enterprises.

Gong Yu, CEO of Iqiyi, thinks that from the perspective of the development history and the history of economic development, the entertainment industry is ushering in a good opportunity, and it will explode for many years in the future.

"At present, the hottest key words are" artificial intelligence AI technology ", especially in the entertainment, cultural and media industries. Gong Yu believes that the impact of the Internet on the media age is superior to traditional media. The advantage is that the Internet can gather huge amounts of information, and users can browse and search in a more convenient way.

So in the "AI era", how will the media platform change? Gong Yu believes that in the "AI era", the media platform to create content for each user, and help the media to find users love to see the content push, "while searching and browsing is very convenient, but more convenient way is to take the initiative to the user likes things to push past."

"For the entertainment industry, it is our responsibility to meet the needs of the users with the outstanding literary and artistic works that are in line with the mainstream values." Gong Yu said that although artificial intelligence can create and distribute the contents of their love for each individual, but artificial intelligence itself is the value of human input, so that the application of artificial intelligence in the entertainment industry, for users to develop and push out correct energy and valuable works of art.

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