The ninth meeting of the leaders of the BRICs leaders of the Chinese and foreign news agency arrived in Xiamen_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

The ninth meeting of the leaders of the BRICs leaders of the Chinese and foreign news agency arrived in Xiamen
2017-9-4   Source:    Click:18

Xiamen, China and foreign news agency (Sino-foreign news agency, Chinese and foreign news network), Xiamen, China and foreign news agency (Sino-foreign News Network). The ninth interviews with the BRICs leaders from the Chinese and foreign news agencies arrived in Xiamen in September 2nd. In from September 3rd to 5th, the ninth meeting of the BRICs leaders was held in Xiamen. From tomorrow on, President Xi Jinping's busy BRIC Xiamen time will be opened. The BRICs atmosphere in the streets of Xiamen is growing as the BRICs leaders come to the ninth meeting. Walking around the streets of Xiamen, we can see posters, slogans, and other slogans related to Xiamen.

The morning of September 2nd, China News Agency reporters into the Xiamen meeting to visit the main venue, the venue around a variety of large-scale theme sculpture rich multicolored decorations, flowers are filled with the enthusiasm of Xiamen.

The main meeting of the BRICs leader, Xiamen, is the Xiamen international conference center that the Xiamen people are familiar with. It faces the sea, and the Xiamen International Conference Center is like a sailboat. The feeling is to make sail and sail.

The guests from the BRIC countries will meet here in more than 10 hours. In a square on the side of the main meeting, the reporter saw that there stood a creative green sculpture called "create brilliant". The sculpture can clearly see the ninth BRICs leaders meeting emblem. The other is like a drum will sail, five colors represent the BRICs, symbolizing the five unity and cooperation and pull together in times of trouble, move toward a better future.

The Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center, which is separated from the Xiamen International Conference Center, is the main venue for the 2017 BRICs industrial and commercial forum. The front end of the exhibition center is like the open arms, embracing the ocean, and welcoming the BRIC guests from all countries.

In the Plaza of the Convention and Exhibition Center, the symbol of the Xiamen meeting made up of flowers and flowers is very spectacular. The full sail is like the rotating earth. The five colors represent the five countries of the BRICs. At the same time, the symbol of five unity and cooperation and pull together in times of trouble move toward a better future, ride the wind and waves.

In the exhibition center square still stands a large green sculpture, the sculpture is a ship sailing on a ride the wind and waves, egrets fly.

The meeting will be an important opportunity for BRICs to discuss global governance and economic globalization. Countries will discuss economic cooperation, political security and cultural exchanges. "Brick +" and other issues have attracted much attention.

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are members of the BRICs cooperation mechanism, and the leaders of the five countries are undoubtedly the protagonists of the Xiamen meeting. Brazil President temer, Russian President Putin, India's prime minister Modi and President Zuma will be at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, attended the meeting with the leaders of the BRIC countries ninth times. During the meeting, will be held in emerging markets and developing countries to dialogue, Egyptian President Sethi, Guinea's president, Conte President Nieto of Mexico, President Rahmon of Tajikistan, Prime Minister of Thailand, Pakistan will gather in Xiamen, and the leaders of the BRIC countries to emerging markets and developing countries cooperation.

In the past ten years, BRICs have played a positive role in the development of emerging market countries, and BRICs have stronger voice in international organizations such as IMF and World Bank. The BRICs mechanism has also effectively strengthened the links between the BRICs countries.

The BRICs leaders' meeting was held in Xiamen this year. After six years, the BRICs leaders' meeting was held in China again, and it is also the second golden ten years when the BRICs cooperation mechanism was opened. There is no doubt that the global media is highly concerned about this. Afternoon, China News Agency reporters came to see the news center, news center according to the function division of a public service area, public media workspace, MCR operation area, studio area, press room area, media aggregation areas and other areas, to provide services for Chinese and foreign media reporters reported. In addition, a comprehensive service area, a liturgical room, a media catering area and other places have been set up to provide a comprehensive life service and logistic support for journalists.

During the conference, a number of news reporters from China and foreign news agencies and Chinese and foreign news networks will report more information about BRICs leaders' meetings in Xiamen.

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