China News Agency Hongkong's return to the motherland 20th anniversary interview gathering at the Hongkong Government News Office_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

China News Agency Hongkong's return to the motherland 20th anniversary interview gathering at the Hongkong Government News Office
2017-6-13   Source:    Click:34

In June 8th, President Ms. Yan Wei as the head of the Chinese and foreign news agency of Hongkong's return to the motherland 20th anniversary interview gathering at the Hongkong government news office, deputy director Liang Runzhi, senior news director Huang Yongnan, Lu Yongshi and other officials of the warm reception of the delegation.

Liang Runzhi, deputy director, first invited members from China and foreign news agencies to watch Hongkong's return to the motherland's 20th anniversary TV promotional film. Then the two sides had friendly exchanges on the theme of Hongkong's 20th anniversary return to the motherland. Liang Runzhi, deputy director, said that the Hongkong government information office is the Hongkong government's special department to deal with public relations. As a public relations consultant of the government, it is responsible for the government's publishing, publicity and news work. It is a bridge between the government and Hongkong's foreign media. July 1, 2017 was a big day for Hongkong's return to the motherland and the establishment of the Hongkong Special Administrative Region (Hongkong Special Administrative Region), which was of great significance. In order to do a good job in celebrating the establishment of 20th anniversary Hongkong's return to the motherland and the Hongkong Special Administrative Region, the Hongkong government information service launched the preparations for all activities last year. The return of Hongkong to the motherland 20th anniversary is a rare opportunity to Hongkong to show their strengths and achievements in "one country two systems" framework, regardless of the future as long as we continue to face any challenges, Hongkong will continue to be of one heart and one mind, thriving and prosperous.

The deputy director of Liang Runzhi said the HKSAR government is holding a series of extensive and deep - to - folk celebrations on the theme of "concentrating on the road and mastering new opportunities".  This topic contains three levels, the first is "concentric", even though Hongkong face various challenges, in the past, now and in the future can be in line with the Hongkong people "of one heart and one mind" and "to deal with pull together in times of trouble" spirit, move forward together.  Second is the "road to the front", Hongkong must develop new economic power to promote the development of new industries, including innovation and technology and creative industries. The third level is the "opportunity", Hongkong to move up the value chain, to provide better professional services to the mainland and around the world, grasp the country's "The Belt and Road" initiative, do super contact role.

Under the theme of "concentrating on the road and mastering new opportunities", the SAR Government celebrates Hongkong's return to 20th anniversary with four major points.

The first key is held in the rich cultural and sports events through the city beautification, let Hongkong people celebrate the return. Return 20th anniversary celebration in addition to let people feel the festive atmosphere, but also let the local artists, designers, professional team together to beautify the city, bring creativity into the life good opportunity.

The celebration of the second key is "public participation", so that the people of Hongkong to celebrate the return of. Return to the ethnic minorities held various activities to celebrate. Young people are the pillars of the future of the society, and many of the celebrating and returning activities are specially designed for young people. The Youth Affairs Commission has recruited 100 Young Ambassadors and arranged training for them. The Youth Ambassadors will assist foreign guests and promote Hongkong at a number of international conferences and large events.

The third point is that the celebrations are closely related to the economic and social development of Hongkong. Through a number of international conferences and activities, the government is looking for new opportunities for development and new markets for Hongkong.

The fourth point is to celebrate the return of Hongkong to 20th anniversary at home and abroad. In addition to extensive local publicity, we hope to increase the publicity of Hongkong in the mainland and overseas by celebrating the return of 20th anniversary. We go through in the mainland and overseas offices in more than 80 city held more than 200 celebration activities, including cultural and artistic performances, film exhibition, exhibition, Hongkong design week, food and Wine Festival, sports activities and the big dinner, Hongkong to show the strength, and invite people at home and abroad and at home and abroad in Hongkong people involved in.

China News Agency President Ms. Yan Wei said, thank Liang Runzhi deputy director and senior news director Huang Yongnan, Lu Yongshi met with Chinese and foreign press delegation in his busy schedule, and very detailed understanding to the duties and orientation of Hongkong ISD, especially the four major government activities to celebrate the return of Hongkong 20th anniversary, the China news agency the Chinese and foreign news network reported on the return of Hongkong to the motherland 20th anniversary thematic activities more direction.

Ms. Yan Wei also introduced the establishment of Chinese and foreign news agencies for 16 years. With the unique perspective of Hongkong media, many important events happened at home and abroad were interpreted, which aroused concern at home and abroad, showing not only a media function to the world, but also a bridge and bridge for peace.

Ms. Yan Wei said that since the founding of the Chinese and foreign news, China has persisted in the tenet of patriotic and loving Hong Kong. It has made unremitting efforts to stabilize and develop Hongkong, to promote exchanges and cooperation between Hongkong and the mainland, and to spread and carry forward the Chinese nation's culture. We have the opportunity to connect with the Hongkong government information office, and strengthen our responsibility and mission of "media people". We expect to make new contributions to Hongkong's stability, prosperity and development under the guidance of the Hongkong news office and under the framework of "one country, two systems".

At the end of the talks, the deputy director of the Hongkong government information office, Liang Runzhi, the senior press director Huang Yongnan, Lu Yongshi and other officials of the Chinese and foreign news agencies, took a photo of the delegation.

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