A visit to China by a delegation of young Japanese members of Parliament_International-information_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

A visit to China by a delegation of young Japanese members of Parliament
2016-6-7   Source:    Click:59

At the invitation of the China Association for international exchange, 5 members of the delegation of Japanese young congressmen, led by Hira Masaki, a member of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party member, visited Beijing on December 5th - 9.

On the 7 day, Li Yuanchao, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the vice president of the state, met with the delegation at the Great Hall of the people. During the meeting, Li Yuanchao said that China Japan relations remained stable and healthy for a long time and were in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples. On the basis of the four political documents of China Japan relations and the four principles agreed by both sides, the two sides should promote the development of Sino Japanese relations in the spirit of "taking history as a mirror and facing the future". It is hoped that the young Japanese politicians will contribute to the improvement and development of Sino Japanese relations from a strategic and long-term perspective. Vice president of the International Exchange Association, former Vice Minister Ai Ping, association secretary general Ni Jian, deputy secretary general Liu Kaiyang attended.

The 6 day, the delegation attended the Exchange Association "to promote the Sino Japanese mutual understanding and cooperation forum, the International Exchange Association, consultant assistant foreign minister Li Jun attended and delivered a speech. The expert unit of the State Council Development Research Center, China Institute of contemporary international relations, the Japanese Academy of Social Sciences, Research Institute, Ministry of Commerce Chinese International Institute of international trade and economic cooperation, attended the meeting, the two sides focus on strengthening political mutual trust and economic cooperation conducted in-depth exchanges.

Li Shihong, deputy director of the National Tourism Administration, met with the delegation, and the two sides expressed the need to strengthen tourism cooperation. The delegation also had in-depth exchanges with the international finance division, Ministry of finance of Beijing City People's Congress of Chaoyang District and China International Youth Exchange Center, and visited the Beijing Xinfadi agricultural products Limited by Share Ltd and Beijing Qiubi Food Co. ltd..

The delegation said that the visit increased mutual understanding and deepened the overall understanding of China's current political and economic situation. In the future, it is willing to continue to work hard to play a positive role in the healthy and stable development of Sino Japanese relations.

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