The German Albert Foundation's international development strategy and experience sharing report will be held in Beijing_International-information_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

The German Albert Foundation's international development strategy and experience sharing report will be held in Beijing
2016-8-31   Source:    Click:55

The morning of January 22nd, I will partner for many years, the German Albert fund of the invitation ("Ai") on behalf of the Beijing office in Beijing held the German Albert fund development strategy and international experience sharing report, by AI Beijing office director Ren Kai introduced the situation of international development, and the depth of interaction with the participants. Under secretary general Liu Kaiyang attended and delivered a speech, and the Deputy Secretary General of Zheng Yao presided over the report. In addition to the staff of the Secretariat, I Chinese international folk association, Organization Cooperation Association vice chairman and Secretary General Huang Haoming, deputy secretary general Chinese Family Planning Association President Hong Ping, Secretary General of the Chahar Institute of Ke Yinbin and China people's Association for peace and disarmament, non-governmental organizations in China International Exchange Association attended the report will.

Deputy Secretary General Liu Kaiyang pointed out in his speech, as the German party think tank, AI will be after 90 years of development has become Germany's oldest and largest political foundation, is Europe's largest labor movement foundation, in the world has more important influence. At present, AI has offices in about 90 countries and has cooperative projects with more than 100 countries, and has accumulated a great deal of experience in international development. In recent years, Chinese folk organizations have developed rapidly. The eighteen main party of the Communist Party of China proposed to strengthen the foreign exchange of civil society and further stimulate the enthusiasm of Chinese civil organizations to carry out international exchanges and cooperation. The international experience of AI Hui has a certain reference to the Chinese folk organizations which are interested in participating in the international activities.

Jen Kay introduced the basic situation of the international development of AI Hui from three aspects. The first is the historical evolution of AI Hui's international development. AI was founded in 1925 under the influence of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. It is a political foundation for political and social education of people from all walks of life based on the thought of social democracy. It is also the only foundation representing the interests of German trade unions. At the beginning of the establishment, AI Hui was based on the restoration of the domestic political order and the democratic tradition. After the Second World War, the Social Democratic Party was rebuilt as the Social Democratic Party was rebuilt. In 1960s, with the gradual improvement of the international influence of Germany, AI began to carry out international cooperation under the support of the German Parliament. Since the end of the cold war, the trend of world multipolarization and economic globalization is obvious, and the influence of emerging countries is rising. AI's international cooperation reflects more regional and global colors. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the upheaval in Eastern Europe in the 90s of last century, AI Hui increased its efforts to the central and Eastern European countries in order to maintain the unity and stability of Europe.

In the second part, Ren Kai mainly introduced the principles and important experiences of the international development of AI Hui. After more than half a century of international development, AI has set up 112 offices around the world, with a total of 612 people in the world in 2014. The annual budget for 2013 was 153 million euros, of which 88 million was for international cooperation. After years of development and accumulated experience, will form the international development of AI four guiding principles: one is to advocate treat national diversity perspective of political and social development; two is actively advocating careful decision-making; three is the importance of international understanding through dialogue beyond ideological differences; the four is to fully respect the laws of his country and adhere to international law, non-interference in internal affairs. Ren Kai also will experience the internationalization development of important AI are summarized as follows: from the perspective of pluralistic values, establish long-term and sustainable objectives; with intercultural communication awareness, respect for the diversity of national conditions; rational allocation of human resources, to provide a stable financial support, won the trust of the partners; analysis and the scientific assessment of the implementation of the project, put forward reasonable suggestions; and other German funds will maintain communication and coordination, to avoid the phenomenon of mutual "foot".

In the last part of the introduction, in China on AI Ren Kai's office and the Brussels Office of the European Union as an example, explains the operation situation and evaluation principles of AI will overseas office, and introduces them in conjunction with local partners in some key areas and research projects. These detailed facts and information made participants have a more specific understanding of AI's international development and provided a good reference for Chinese civil society organizations to seek wider development space.

In part, the conflict of cultural conflict, the value of possible participants of non-governmental organizations in the process of international development concept, subject partner selection and evaluation mechanism with the speaker of the depth of the exchanges, the report will successfully concluded in a candid and relaxed atmosphere.

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