Ban Ki-moon called for a peaceful dialogue to resolve the South China Sea dispute and resolve tensions on the Korean Peninsula_International-information_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Ban Ki-moon called for a peaceful dialogue to resolve the South China Sea dispute and resolve tensions on the Korean Peninsula
2016-5-28   Source:    Click:53

In May 27, 2016 the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Ise Japan Shima held the G7 summit today (G7) enlarged meeting speech on Asian stability and prosperity issues. Ban Ki-moon made suggestions on the development of sustainable infrastructure, and expressed its position on the dispute over the South China Sea and on the Korean Peninsula.

Ban Ki-moon, secretary general, delivered a speech at the enlarged summit of the G-7 summit on 27 July. He pointed out that the support provided by the group of seven for building durable and restoring infrastructure in twenty-first Century can make a key contribution to the goal of sustainable development. To this end, he proposed to the international community, first ensure that the design and implementation of all infrastructure is sustainable in the economic, social and environmental aspects, and with the 2030 sustainable development agenda as a conventional framework to promote accountability, and actively participate in the world bank in April this year launched the global infrastructure forum.

Speaking of the South China Sea issue, Ban Ki-moon once again appealed to all parties to resolve their differences through peaceful and friendly forms of dialogue and in accordance with the recognized principles of international law, including the Charter of the United Nations and the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea. He wants ASEAN (ASEAN) and China to reach a quick agreement on the code of conduct within the framework of the Declaration on the conduct of the parties in the South China Sea.

When he talked about the Korean Peninsula issue, Ban Ki-moon said he appreciated the G-7's opposition to North Korea's persistent and unified stance on its continued provocation through strengthening its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities. He pointed out that the international community must ensure that all relevant resolutions of the Security Council and the sanctions can be fully implemented, the North Korean provocation to understand its continued commitment to the development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles will only make the situation more secure and make its people into hunger. Ban Ki-moon encouraged all relevant countries, especially the participants of the six party talks, to continue the peaceful dialogue with the DPRK to find solutions to the tension.

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