Understanding the important role of fostering friendship and promoting peaceful coexistence_International-information_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Understanding the important role of fostering friendship and promoting peaceful coexistence
2016-7-7   Source:    Click:67

The relationship between China and Africa occupies my youth, and it is still the same today. People's Republic of China, a great country and her people, has been affecting me since I saw the first Chinese people in 1970s, more than 40 years ago. Though I have met or contacted Chinese people, the environment or background is different, but one thing has never changed. That is the Chinese people's friendship and great efforts to enhance friendship.

For more than forty years, I have traveled all over the world. I love traveling, believing that travel can enrich people's ideas and enhance understanding of all kinds of cultures and races. All kinds of people and cultures in travel can improve the ability of individuals to question, understand, and eliminate misunderstandings and conflicts. I have lived and studied on all the continents of the world, and I believe I have a certain understanding of global affairs. I have had a unique understanding of this great civilization in Chinese life and dealing with Chinese people of different identities. Even today, I am still trying to deepen my understanding of her.

The recent "Africa barometer" survey conducted by the Tanzania Poverty Reduction Research Institute shows that Chinese people are more popular with Tanzania people than those from other countries. The people of Tanzania think they are closer to the Chinese. Why is it this way? The scientific investigation of the "African barometer" gives the reason. And I would like to supplement the findings from the 30 years of experience with the work and life of the Chinese.

In this article, I would like to point out that a key reason why Chinese people are loved by Tanzania people is that Chinese people are willing to spend time and energy in building meaningful friendship before carrying out activities such as contact and negotiation. Coincidentally, at the time of this writing, my wife and I are a couple of Chinese invited to dinner, talking about Tanzania's business environment, our friend said "friendship more than business, is more important than friendship business can last longer." The unique but basic position of the Chinese people makes them closer to the hearts of the Africans. Friendship is the foundation of all meaningful personal connections. It is an important starting point for dialogue or conversation between people and the cornerstone of all success, and it is the same at the individual, the group, or the social level. Eating, drinking tea, singing Cara OK, dancing, or other social activities will relax and be in a favorable position in social dialogue. This tradition has been proved to be effective for generations, and is cherished by the people of China and Africa. Friendship usually promotes understanding, because it makes both sides or many more open and transparent.

The special function of social dialogue or contact in developing friendship and social cohesion is to increase mutual understanding in the process of discussion, dialogue, dinner or dancing.

In relation to this, the understanding between individuals, groups and society is an arduous task in general. People's goals and objectives are varied and often changing, depending on their environment and conditions, including their needs, preferences and necessities. Our dear Chinese friends have already mastered the art of understanding other cultures. Under the strong cultural appeal of the search for knowledge, China is committed to understanding the culture of his country. The long tradition of Chinese people has a unique advantage for Chinese people to understand their friends in Africa. Therefore, I believe this is the reason why Chinese people are loved by Tanzania people in the "barometer" survey carried out by the Poverty Reduction Research Institute. From 730 to 805, Chinese officials and explorers began to understand Africans and strengthen cooperation with Africa. The du ring of the Tang Dynasty describes the experience of visiting North Africa in the book of classics. After returning to his country, he vividly described his experience of traveling through land through the land. These written records were supplemented by another Tang official, Jia Dan. Jia Dan was a famous geologist and traveled to Africa, and he was looking for geographical research rather than military control.

Zhenyuan period, in the year 798, Chinese ships sailed to the coast of East Africa, access to trade port of Bagamoyo. The latest research Chinese and African researchers from Africa research center of Peking University found that China travelers arrived in Africa in the period, further arrived in Kenya of malindi. All of these trips are to seek knowledge, understanding and cooperation. Books, African influenced China art, and found in Bagamoyo dating back hundreds of years of coins and porcelain pieces have indicated that the Chinese through understanding and friendship and trade opportunities for africa. Seeking friendship is one of the goals of Chinese explorers and businessmen. No written evidence or materials that hundreds of years ago Chinese was in Bagamoyo or Malindi had clashed with the local people.

The curiosity of the Chinese people, the desire for knowledge and the understanding of the world make them great in understanding others. This investment has been continuing over the last thousand years. The Communist Party of China adhered to the fundamental principles of non interference in the internal affairs of other countries, mutual respect and equal cooperation. The Communist Party of China has a profound vision and inherits the tradition that has been tested for several decades, which must be praised. Understanding other cultures and communicating with them is an important pillar to ease potential potential conflicts, and is also a path to establish, cultivate and maintain long-term friendship through time. Understanding and active contact with them will, in turn, encourage others to understand themselves. Once a mutual understanding is established, the following will be respect and non interference, which paved the way for peaceful coexistence.


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