2015 International Security Summit Forum was held in Macao_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

2015 International Security Summit Forum was held in Macao
2015-7-4   Source:    Click:17

In June 30th, the International Security Summit Forum was successfully held in China - Macao. From France, South Korea, Holland, Thailand, Philippines, Kenya, Malaysia, Laos, Pakistan, Greece and the United Arab Emirates, Hongkong, Macao and other Chinese China top global security company elite and many large domestic enterprises on behalf of a gathering of many people to discuss how to strengthen international security, cooperation and sharing of new opportunities, seek new development.

The forum to abide by the norms of international security alliance, to provide high quality security services "as the theme, carry out special research on the crime characteristics of global hotspots and new situation of security requirements, this is to further deepen the traditional international security exchanges, sharing new opportunities and seek new concrete action development, reflects the multi wish, but also reflects the interests of many parties, will help to promote Chinese enterprises in overseas investment safety has made new progress, to a new level.

Along with Chairman Xi Belt and Road Initiative "strategy, China has become the second largest economy in the world, by the end of 2013, China's domestic investors a total of 5090 foreign direct investment enterprises in 156 countries and regions worldwide, non-financial foreign direct investment flows amounted to $90 billion 170 million, becoming the world's third largest foreign investment in China, foreign labor cooperation of various types of service personnel dispatched 527 thousand people. With the deepening of "going out" strategy, the overseas investment of Chinese enterprises will continue to increase. At present, overseas investment projects of Chinese enterprises are mostly located in the low end of the industrial chain, mainly distributed in developing areas such as Africa, Middle East and other developing countries. Because of historical and realistic reasons, these areas of anti-government armed groups, ethnic and religious extremists, transnational crime group, piracy and other threats emerge in an endless stream regime change, local wars, armed conflicts, social unrest and terrorism and other events not only lead to the daily It is often seen., enterprises can not be guaranteed, but it directly affects foreign investors the personal and property safety. It can be said that the security problems have been the main risks facing the overseas investment projects of Chinese enterprises.

In recent years, for overseas enterprises with certain international influence and economic strength and weak security strength, armed forces have been attacked and kidnapped and blackmailed, which has become a more and more enthusiastic way of these forces. In this case, the western developed countries actively encourage and support all kinds of private identity "security enterprise" trans regional and trans national business security services, expand the space for development, state, enterprises, and even individuals can employ the guard, security, military training and other acts. In the United States alone, thousands of security companies have been established in more than 10 countries and regions, such as Britain, France and Canada. Among them, the most famous Blackwater company, besides helping the US Army to deliver materials, is an important part of the business to provide security services for overseas investment projects such as Iraq's reconstruction.

So in the continents of the world were still in the U.S. military base, implementation of China's peaceful rise policy, not possible through the use of the armed forces of the state is the escort of overseas investment Chinese enterprise project, more needs to overseas private contractors, for China enterprises overseas investment projects to provide detailed and thorough security plans and measures strong security forces, to ensure the safety of person and property.

China News Agency Ms. Yan Wei, director of the Macao Daily News Center of Hongkong President Han Xiaoka at the meeting with Sri Lanka garland marine security managing director Colonel Femarido Jayavl and other guests

Our government has always regarded the safety of overseas investment of Chinese enterprises as an important part of national security. Governments at all levels have set up special institutions to deal with safety issues, and pay more and more attention to the role of private security companies.

As a private security force, China Wei security group was established in 2007 in the first year of the entity. As early as the beginning of the establishment of the international security organization joined the alliance, a long time to study international top security company security mode and successful experience of international partners to actively integrate information, equipment and other resources, to explore how to help enterprises to establish a safety management system to complete, from safety training, government relations, human, prevention technique security, consulting, planning, project operation angle for Chinese enterprises to provide a full range of security services.

"Hosting the 2015 international security forum" by China Enterprise Investment Association, international security standard alliance, Huawei security group; Harbin technical group Limited by Share Ltd, seraph Security Group Co. China Wei security group is entrusted by the Chinese Enterprise Investment Association and the International Union of international security standards to undertake the International Security Summit Forum.

The chairman of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Laos, Meng Xiaosu, vice president of China Business Investment Association, Qi Luyan, President of Huawei security group, Dr.Vallop Kingchansilp, general secretary of Asian Professional Security Association, Gao Wei, Secretary General of China Africa Joint Industry and Commerce respectively delivered speeches.

From the international standard security alliance (ICoCA) Mr Andr s Zaragoza high Montejano, Kenya Military Equipment Co., Mr Memba Muriuki, Soonchunhyang University professor Dr. Yoonsung Oh of criminal justice, the Huawei security group's overseas security officer representative, chairman of the British international sea security experts Association David Stone, Holland seraph security group president Dr.Patrick GEOS, the French security group general manager Mr Christophe Klieber respectively, the norms of international private security behavior; African common crime and security issues; the new standard of security in Asia; exploration and practice in the overseas security project in Huawei security group; the current development trend of maritime security issues such as the theme of the speech.

Cui Guozhen, vice president of Limited by Share Ltd of Harbin engineering group, Yu Min, chief strategy officer of Huayun data group, and Yang Benjun, the first wealth representative of Beijing, made a statement.

The security strategy signing ceremony was also carried out at the forum. Huawei Group and Pakistan SecSol (Pvt) Ltd Special Projects and Services Limited, the United Arab Emirates, Sri GAC Marine Services (Pvt) Ltd, SAS Seraph Protection, France GEOS Holland, Thailand Group SA Guts Investigation Co., Ltd EZ ONE International Security Services, South Korea has signed. In addition, Huawei Group also signed an enterprise security cooperation agreement with Harbin Limited by Share Ltd group, China Railway Group Limited, Huayun Data Technology Service Co., Ltd. and capital group.

In the interview, the reporter saw that the theme of the forum is clear, which is consistent with the needs of the current international security situation. The one day forum has made a strong response and fruitful results. The successful holding of the forum will play a positive role in further strengthening international security cooperation and promoting the overseas investment safety of Chinese enterprises.

Ms. Yan Wei and vice president Liu Dengchen, President of Chinese and foreign news agency, at the 2015 (Macao) International Security Summit Forum

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