Analysis on the situation of international and domestic security service industry_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Analysis on the situation of international and domestic security service industry
2015-7-6   Source:    Click:9

The security service industry status analysis of domestic and international network alarm service that has fifty years of history in the world of the comprehensive security model, originated in Japan and Europe and other developed countries, one of the most representative companies such as Japan and the United Nations that the International Cooperation Bureau, their services throughout the world. They have a complete industrial system, from market oriented hardware and software product development, production, to set up a special intelligence agency, the collection of social trends, from the worldwide technology trends and the social system under the disturbing factors, difficult demands, to timely provide a series of high quality for the various needs of society the security service, service framework formed a set of scientific, efficient and reliable, system integration and industrialization of the.

Network alarm service development history in China for more than ten years in the country, and the emergence of a large number of service providers, at present, the main performance of the market is: to join operations as the main body of the listed security companies, because of opportunism, quick play, heavy, light products, technology research and development, often follow the development of heteronomy. Weak market is gradually shrinking, even to the verge of delisting. The scale of service providers around the first-tier cities, pursue the use of security products, all imported, pattern copy, copy, as the market competition intensifies and malignant human costs continue to improve, more and more low profit margins, the development bottleneck highlights, bigger and stronger desire to achieve.

The two or three line of the market alarm service is mixed, mostly due to the service concept in place or regional market competition has not been formed, the market development is not sufficient, the customer group is single, mostly in the breakeven point of struggle; small part of regional market development fully, despite the fierce competition in the market, the market has in-depth mining, the situation is gratifying. China belongs to the security services, the most robust power, but for a long time, mostly used in low-end products made in China and the backward means of communication with the users of the Internet are increasing, due to the product performance and function of the problem has become increasingly prominent, the negative impact to the business is more and more obvious.

The difference between international and domestic is obvious. The biggest difference is that the alarm service industry in China is in the state of separation between R & D, production and service operation, that is to say, the production is not running, and the operation is not done. This situation will lead to three disadvantages: first, can not produce like that, like "strong fine andatai" comprehensive security companies; second, the R & D and production of disjointed concepts and operational service concept, in a fairly long period of time, difficult to replace imported products, the quality of domestic security services market is still had to import the products of the world; third, extrusion to civil non networked low-end alarm products production enterprises by the network alarm market downturn will continue to withdraw from the stage of history.

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