The first meeting of the United Nations IDP non-governmental organization in 2017 was held at the 866 mansion of the United Nations_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

The first meeting of the United Nations IDP non-governmental organization in 2017 was held at the 866 mansion of the United Nations
2017-5-19   Source:    Click:20

The first meeting of the United Nations IDP NGOs was held in February 16th at the United Nations building in the 866 building in February 16th. The conference by the United Nations Economic and Social Council Public Information Department Executive Brenden Varma presided over the start of the meeting, all participants stood in silence, for the victims in the war. Then Mr. Brenden Varma delivered a speech on the theme of this year's United Nations International Peace Day "Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for, together for peace: respect, safety and dignity for all." All participants spoke on behalf of their respective organizations and agreed to actively carry out the keynote spirit proposed by the international and ordinary days of the year. I will be president MR. Weiqing Jiang mentioned in his speech: respect for people displaced by the war, respect the dignity of refugees into effect, to donate money and materials to help the refugees want to spend. In the end, we are unanimous in celebrating the international and weekday planning of this year.

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