The National Geographic Information Center (National Geographic Information Center) comes to the center for the exchange of science and technology_Information exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

The National Geographic Information Center (National Geographic Information Center) comes to the center for the exchange of science and technology
2016-5-28   Source:    Click:62

In the morning of April 21st, 9 experts and experts from Wang Zhongxiang, director of the National Geographic Information Center, director of the Department of information, Zhao Yong, director of remote sensing Zhang Hongwei and director of remote sensing department, came to our center to carry out the application and exchange activities of remote sensing technology in the field of earthquake. The deputy director of the center Li Zhixiong, the director of the Ministry of technology, the director of the Ministry of information Xie Xiao Feng and the relevant personnel of his department participated in the exchange activities.

The guests first visited my center of earthquake rescue, rescue shelter communications equipment support shelter and emergency command hall, deputy director of Technology Department Du Xiaoxia introduced the work mechanism of emergency communication equipment, data transmission, video conferencing, and command to experts. Exchange meeting, deputy director Li Zhixiong to the experts introduced the development process of the earthquake emergency rescue work center, focuses on earthquake rescue operations on the remote sensing data of the urgent needs and specific requirements, the experts in the search and rescue center business area and the actual demand have further understanding. Subsequently, the National Geographic Information Center Director Zhao Yong and director Zhang Hongwei introduced Chinese emergency system construction and practice of Surveying and mapping, remote sensing image acquisition, processing and application, from a professional point of view introduced the processing ability of geographic information resources construction, emergency surveying and mapping data automation in china. The relevant personnel of the center showed great interest in the professional reports of two experts. The participants asked questions and heated discussions on demand and service, and made clear the starting point and goal of bilateral cooperation in the future.

Finally, on behalf of the center deputy director Li Zhixiong expressed gratitude to the National Geographic Information Center for earthquake emergency and rescue the cause of concern and support, and technical requirements and the Ministry of information center responsible person as the representative, communicate with the National Geographic Information Center is responsible for the relevant departments.

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