"12th Five-Year" science and technology support project life detection and search key technology research and equipment research and development "test ruins construction project discussion"_Information exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

"12th Five-Year" science and technology support project life detection and search key technology research and equipment research and development "test ruins construction project discussion"
2018-5-28   Source:    Click:59

In April 7th, the technology department in Beijing national earthquake emergency rescue training base, the organization held a "12th Five-Year" National Science and technology support project "life detection and search for the key technology research and equipment development" in the search and rescue center's commitment to "special mobile robot of life detection and search equipment research and development", "special two portable multi target detection radar application of" three "project and demonstration in the low altitude airborne search radar based life detection and research" three topics about life detection experiment and test equipment simulating earthquake ruins building design seminar. China Research Institute of building science, Beijing University of Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang Institute of automation, The Fourth Military Medical University of PLA, Hunan China novasky Electronic Technology Co. Ltd., Xi'an Biken security technology department, science and Technology Development Co. Ltd. as well as search and rescue center personnel department, training department of a total of more than 20 delegates attended the meeting. The director of the project, researcher Li Bin, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by the head of the China Earthquake Emergency Search and rescue center, the head of the Technology Department of the China Earthquake Emergency Search and rescue center, and the head of the project second.

Before the meeting, the delegates first came to the site where the ruins were selected to build the site of the middle water house for detailed investigation, so that everyone had an intuitive, clear and comprehensive understanding of the external environment, internal structure and existing facilities.

At the meeting, a special topic for Du Xiaoxia, two for Liu Kang, three special leader Hu Weijian respectively to report the relevant task of the thematic content, assessment indicators, equipment experiment and test requirements, the specific requirements of the ruins of the earthquake simulation and preliminary ideas, focus groups, other members of the Yan Junli Zhang Yang, Wang Bo and Zhang Hua do supplementary statement. The meeting focus on the goal of building a careful discussion, we have fully express their opinions, there are differences on some key parts of key nodes, comments, and organization representatives once again came to the water for the second housing site survey, and the existing problems in the field are discussed, finally reached a unified thought, the formation of consensus, as follows: the construction scheme of underground part of the scene test all built in a special water room, the scene test project two is built in the northern half of the room ground water area, the scene test project three is built in front of the small square at the entrance to the water room (southwest corner) and the corresponding real underground water layer space. Yang Tao Chinese Research Institute of building science is the ruins of proposed insights, agrees with you, Guo Xiaodong of Beijing University of Technology teachers and the optimization measures were put forward on the ruins ruins of the design scheme, design more scientific and reasonable and perfect.

According to the construction plan, the conference made detailed plans for the next construction plan, construction design, ruins construction budget, bidding scheme compilation and construction team selection, and put forward the completed time node requirement.

It is agreed that today's conference is fruitful, solving a series of problems such as the design, construction and implementation of the simulated earthquake ruins, making the follow-up work clearer, clearer and operable. The meeting ended in an atmosphere of unity, tension, seriousness and liveliness.

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