China Earthquake Emergency Search and rescue center went to Datong to carry out the second stage aerial photography work of unmanned aerial vehicle_Information exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

China Earthquake Emergency Search and rescue center went to Datong to carry out the second stage aerial photography work of unmanned aerial vehicle
2016-6-28   Source:    Click:46

According to the unified deployment of China Earthquake Administration Earthquake Emergency Rescue Department on the 2015 annual test of UAV aerial work, based on the first stage of aerial work, from April 7, 2015 to April 12th, led by the deputy director of technical department China earthquake emergency rescue center Du Xiaoxia, Shanxi province to Datong to carry out the second phase of the aerial flight. The working group supplemented the first phase of the aerial work area and made aerial photographs of the new working area, and acquired 181km2 HD aerial images.

In the field of aerial photography, the military has many missions and airspace control is relatively strict. At the same time, the air force is too large and other meteorological conditions, so the UAV's aerial working time is very limited. The working group conscientiously sum up the lessons of the first stage of aerial work, continue to carry forward the BuPaLei hardship in the field, discipline and the spirit of unity and cooperation, efforts to overcome various difficulties in field work, especially on flight in the wind and bad weather conditions; at the same time in the local earthquake department under the support of positive communication and coordination with relevant departments of air traffic control and strive for more time for aerial work.

The field work conducted a comprehensive inspection of the aerial drones to carry out work in adverse weather conditions, the conditions of wind speed in UAV Ground for more than five or six of the take-off and landing, and experienced a headwind in turn, turn, large distance away after completion of safety risk higher in more air aerial work conditions wind speed. In addition, in the field aerial work, the working group worked hard to establish a stable and harmonious cooperative relationship with the relevant departments, and accumulated more experience of on-the-spot flight, which laid the foundation for future work.

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