Brief introduction of the rescue team of the earthquake emergency search and rescue center of China to the site of the Nepal earthquake_Information exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Brief introduction of the rescue team of the earthquake emergency search and rescue center of China to the site of the Nepal earthquake
2016-6-2   Source:    Click:106

At 14:11 on April 25th Beijing time, a 8.1 magnitude earthquake occurred in Nepal (28.2 degrees north latitude, 84.7 degrees east of East China), causing heavy casualties and property losses. The Chinese government and people are highly concerned. At 6 a.m. on April 26th, 68 Chinese international rescue teams carried 17 tons of material and equipment to the earthquake stricken area of Nepal, and implemented rescue operations. China Earthquake Emergency Search and rescue center sent 7 rescue teams to the operation, including 1 rescue operations experts, 1 UNDAC members, 2 rescue instructors, 2 equipment support experts and 1 communication support specialists.

(photo: collective Chinese before the earthquake emergency rescue center international rescue team Guosheng, from left to right by Du Xiaoxia, Yan Junli, Wang Nianfa, He Hongwei, Wang Jianping, Zhang Tiangang)

Qu Guosheng, vice president of the China international rescue team, and the command expert of the rescue operation. Search and rescue center researcher, vice chairman of the international society for emergency management, director of digital disaster reduction and emergency management center, digital China Research Institute, Peking University.

Since 2005, the response level of approximately 300 international strong earthquakes has been successfully identified, which provides a decision-making basis for our government's international humanitarian rescue and China international rescue team's rapid exit. It has participated in 5 rescue operations including the 2005 Pakistan earthquake 7.8, the Yogyakarta 6.4 earthquake in 2005, the 8 earthquake in 2008, the Yushu earthquake in 2010 Qinghai, the 7 earthquake in 2013 Lushan, and so on at home and abroad.



Wang Nian FA, the first member of China international rescue team, is currently the national earthquake emergency training base instructor, deputy director of training department, the eighteen largest representative, the most beautiful grassroots cadres.

The team for 15 years, has participated in the Xinjiang Bachu - Jiashi, Sichuan Wenchuan, Qinghai Yushu, Gansu Zhouqu, Yunnan Yiliang, Sichuan Ya'an debris flow in Lushan and so many domestic earthquake emergency work, and more than 60 major domestic and foreign aid training and exercises, Li repeated military exploits. In the 10 rescue operations implemented by the international rescue team, Wang Nian FA participated in 9 international rescue operations such as Algeria, Iran, BAM, Indonesia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yogyakarta, New Zealand, Haiti and so on, the most frequent international rescue team.


Du Xiaoxia, member of China international rescue team, member of UN disaster assessment and coordination (UNDAC), member of the national earthquake field emergency team and deputy director of Technology Department.

Since 2005, in Wenchuan, Yingjiang, Ninger, Yu Tian and other 8 domestic earthquake emergency work, participated in the Haiti earthquake, Yushu earthquake and Zhouqu earthquake in New Zealand, debris flow and other domestic and international rescue operations information support work, in the exercise Chinese grading evaluation international rescue team (2009) and the United Nations retest drill (2014) respectively as rescue teams plan information officer and disaster assessment coordination officer work. The rescue of the site of the earthquake in Nepal was her first international rescue operation.


He Hongwei, a member of the China international rescue team, is the instructor of the national earthquake emergency rescue training base.

Long engaged in earthquake relief work and professional training, since joining the Chinese international rescue team in 2001, in the Xinjiang, Wenchuan, Qinghai, Yushu, Lushan, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, New Zealand and other domestic and foreign major earthquake disaster rescue mission, successfully rescued survivors.

In the United Nations heavy team assessment and retest of the Chinese international rescue team, comrade He Hongwei served as a search and rescue expert.


Wang Jianping, a member of the China international rescue team, the equipment support expert and the director of the professional equipment room of the Ministry of support.

Is rich in domestic and international rescue experience and participated in several earthquake rescue missions, including the 2005 Pakistan earthquake, 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake in Indonesia, Wenchuan and Tianjin in 2008 Jixian County earthquake, 2010 Haiti, Yushu earthquake, 2010 Pakistan floods, 2011 earthquake in Japan and the 2013 Lushan earthquake relief.


Zhang Tiangang, a member of the China international rescue team, an expert in communication security, and a professional equipment room personnel of the Ministry of security.

It has abundant experience in rescue work at home and abroad, and has participated in many earthquake rescue missions, including the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Haiti, Yushu earthquake in 2010, Pakistan flood in 2010, and Lushan earthquake relief operation in 2013.


Yan Junli, a member of the China international rescue team, the equipment support expert, the deputy director of the Ministry of support and the director of the logistical equipment support room.

Many years engaged in earthquake rescue equipment support work. In 2014, it was transferred from the central training department to the Ministry of support and participated in the rescue work of the Yushu earthquake in 2010.

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