Common sense of terrorist hijacking SOS emergency rescue_Information exchange_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Common sense of terrorist hijacking SOS emergency rescue
2016-6-2   Source:    Click:70

(1) keep calm as far as possible, and don't be flurried.

In the course of being hijacked, it is necessary to preserve physical strength.

Remember, don't be impulsive, don't rely on personal power recklessly, not out of control behavior. At the same time, should observe the time and found the vulnerability of terrorists, decisively to seize the aircraft, the disposal.

(4) close observation of the movements of the terrorists and try to transmit information. For example, hostages can deliver the most important information such as terrorists' numbers, intentions, characteristics and location and quantity of explosive devices by sending SMS and writing strips.

When the special fighters attack the terrorists, the hostage should lie down on the ground immediately, protect the head, and then withdraw quickly according to the instructions of the special fighters. In the meantime, to avoid panic and confusion, we should first help the old and the children. The horror events are different, and the hostage taking are different. There is no fixed pattern on the means of coping. Once the hostage is encountered, the hostage must be responsive.

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