Joint communiqu for the Ministerial Conference: the international community supports the Libya national unity government to buy weapons against the threat of domestic terrorism_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Joint communiqu for the Ministerial Conference: the international community supports the Libya national unity government to buy weapons against the threat of domestic terrorism
2016-5-26   Source:    Click:11

In May 16, 2016, including the 5 permanent members of the Security Council, the foreign ministers of more than 20 countries, including the United Nations, the European Union, the Arab League and the African Union, international and regional organizations today on the security situation in Libya issued a joint communique, the government of Libya national unity apply for permission to buy weapons and related equipment, in response to the United Nations designated terrorist organizations and "the Islamic Republic of Yili" on the country's threat support efforts.

The foreign ministers of the more than 20 countries of the international community and the United Nations, the European Union, the Arab League and the African Union issued a joint communiqu for the security situation in Libya on 16 days. The communiqu pointed out that national security is crucial to the future of Libya. The international society for the president of the Libya Committee for the establishment of the presidential guard in accordance with the law to protect the organization, members of the Committee and the national unity government welcomed the measures, and that is ready to help the government of Libya, provide training and equipment for the presidential guard and legal forces.

The communique said that the Libya national unity government tried to submit an application to the UN sanctions committee of Libya, so as to get permission to purchase weapons and equipment necessary to fight Yili Islamic state and other terrorist organizations designated by the United Nations. The international community will fully support the efforts of the United Nations under the sanctions imposed by the United Nations on the arms embargo in Libya.

The communique said, the international community recognized Libya legitimate military and security forces necessary to strengthen coordination efforts, and urged the country to the unified command of the country's military strength and in accordance with the "Libya political agreement" rapid expansion work implementation, to coordinate the fight against the country's "Yili Islamic country" and other United Nations designated terrorist organization hard. The communiqu pointed out that ensuring the security of Libya and protecting the country from the threat of terrorism must be the task of the country's unified and strengthened national security forces. The people of Libya must unite to combat the threat of terrorism.

The communique also said that the Libya national unity government is the only legitimate recipient of international security assistance, and has the responsibility to preserve and protect the resources of the country so that people can benefit from it. The international community will maintain sanctions on the arms embargo in Libya and measures to prohibit illegal oil exports, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council. The communiqu said that the international community hopes to resume diplomatic relations with Libya as soon as possible. The government of national unity in Libya should take all necessary measures to provide relevant security guarantees for this purpose

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