Africa Day: the Secretary General of Ban Ki-moon called for the promotion of human rights with special emphasis on women's rights_News_Thailand Bureau of the United Nations Internationa

Africa Day: the Secretary General of Ban Ki-moon called for the promotion of human rights with special emphasis on women's rights
2016-5-26   Source:    Click:12

May 25th May 25, 2016 is the "African day". The Secretary General of the United Nations in South Korea visit Ban Ki-moon delivered a speech that day, the African Union called for carrying forward the theme of this year: to determine women's rights for human rights (especially Human Rights with a Particular Focus on the Rights of Women), and to encourage African leaders committed to women as the main driver and enabler placed to implement "in 2030 the sustainable development agenda" and "agenda" in 2063 the African Union has front and center of all efforts.

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the 25 day as "Africa Day" in his speech pointed out, "the strategic principle of similar 2030 sustainable development agenda" and "agenda" in 2063 the African Union of the two framework, focus on people, prosperity, environmental sustainability, justice, human rights and mutual accountability partnership. In order to harmonized the global agenda with the two parties on the African continent, it is necessary to coordinate the planning, implementation and monitoring links.

Ban Ki-moon pointed out that, according to the "2063 agenda", a priority in Africa include: invest in its people, especially women and youth; the development of manufacturing and agricultural processing; construction of transportation, water, sanitation, energy and ICT infrastructure; mobilization of domestic resources and stop the illegal flow of funds; the end of the promotion of human rights; conflict; and the expansion of democratic governance. Africa also has the opportunity to pursue industrialization in a more sustainable way, including climate based intelligent agriculture, renewable energy and deforestation. In this regard, he encouraged African countries and their partners to spare no effort to promote these priorities, and expressed that the United Nations support commitment would not be shaken.

Ban Ki-moon also stressed that, despite the uncertainty in the global economic environment, the economic prospects for Africa are good. The growth rate in 2016 is expected to increase from 3.7% to 4.4% last year. He urged African leaders to use the results to solve the growing social and economic inequality and to ensure that no African was left. It is of vital importance to solve the problems of conflict, terrorism and violent extremism, as well as to promote peace and stability from the root. Ban Ki-moon also commended a bold proposal put forward by Africa, namely, "to suppress all guns and guns in 2020", calling it the flagship project of the first ten year implementation plan of the <2063 agenda.

Ban Ki-moon said that the successful implementation of the new agenda, we must continue to promote the development of cooperative partnership between African governments, United Nations entities, the Commission of the African Union, the new partnership planning and Coordination Bureau, regional economic community and development partners. The private sector also plays a key role in creating employment opportunities, promoting technology and service innovation, and supporting large-scale transformation of infrastructure needed to achieve sustainable development goals in Africa.

In May 25, 1963, the African Union's predecessor, the organization of African unity, was formally established. Since then, African countries have formed a cohesive force and are playing a more and more important role in the world political arena. To commemorate this epoch-making event, the OAU in May 25th as "Africa day".

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